Step 1. Register your account. We use that detail to ship printed QR’s to your address <br/> Step 2. Click “See Pricing” <br/> Step 3. Create your QR. Enter a title, such as your kids nickname e.g. Benny Smith <br/> Step 4. Select if you want your QR to be TEXT, a Whatsapp message, or a URL reference <br/> Step 5. If selected TEXT: create the text you want to see if the your QR is scanned e.g This item belongs to Benjamin Smith from Lynndrift Primary School. Please contact his parents on 087 111 111 to return the item. Thank you. <br/> If selected Whatsapp: provide the number that a whatsapp must be send to, remember to use +027 e.g +027 87 111 111 <br/> If selected an URL: provide the full URL reference e.g. https://www.smith-family-detail.fam <br/> Step 6. Click on “add to cart”. If you are done then, <br/> Step 7. Click on checkout <br/> Step 8. Go through payment procedure <br/> Step 9. Continue shopping or go to your “order detail” or go to “My qr codes” on main page, scan your QR or download for save keeping. <br/> Step 10. The printing and shipping of your QR code is now active and will delivered to you as soon as possible. ">